Robotic Manipulation for Nuclear Sort and Segregation
The following ongoing and previous projects (some of them led by members of RoMaNS consortium, and some led by other teams) are relevant to the robotics work being carried out in RoMaNS.
UK-Korea Civil Nuclear Collaboration Program (EPSRC) – Robotic system for removing contaminated materials from hazardous zones
(UoB, PI: Dr Rustam Stolkin)
Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP), “To develop a new toolbox of software and algorithms, which would extend KUKA’s robotics capabilities to include advanced computer vision, and vision-based robot-control.” Funded by UK Technology Strategy Board, 2014-2017, (related topics: vision-guided manipulation and robustifying this to attain high TRL).
(UoB, PI: Dr Rustam Stolkin)
“PaCMan: Probabilistic and Compositional Representations of Objects for Robotic Manipulation”. EU FP7, 2013-2016, (related topics: compositional hierarchy approach to recognising and reasoning about objects, for autonomous planning of bi-manual grasps).
(UoB, PI: Dr Jeremy Wyatt)
USA-UK (DOD-MURI) project, "Understanding scenes and events through joint parsing, cognitive reasoning and lifelong learning" This is a joint project involving UCLA, Stanford University, CMU, MIT, Yale University, University of Illinois (from the US) and University of Oxford, Glasgow, Reading and Birmingham (from the UK).
(University of California, PI: Dr Song-Chun Zhu)
“CoDyCo: control and cognitive understanding for robust, goal directed whole-body motion interaction with multiple contacts”. EU FP7, 2013-2017, (related topics: applying contact forces with compliant actuators).
(Technische Universitat Darmstadt, PI: Dr Elmar Rueckert)
“GeRT: Generalising Robotic manipulation Tasks”. EU FP7, 2010-2013, (related topics: manipulation and generalisation of autonomous grasping).
(Technische Universitat Darmstadt, PI: Dr Jan Peters)
“CogX: Cognitive Systems that Self-Understand and Self-Extend.”, 2008-2012, (related topics: machine learning for manipulative actions, vision for detection and tracking of manipulated objects).
(UoB, PI: Dr Jeremy Wyatt)
“Vimanco: vision-based localization and manipulation” on the International Space Station, European Space Agency, 2004 – 2007
(CNRS, PI: François Chaumette)
Aerospace “Pegase” project devoted to the vision-based localisation and servoing of an aircraft. EU FP6, 2006- 2009
“Removedebris” project devoted to visual tracking and 3D localization of objects in space. EU FP7, 2013 – 2017
(CNRS, PI: François Chaumette)
3rd Hand, EU FP7, 2013 – 2017, (related topics: Semi-Autonomous Robot-Assistants).
TacMan, EU FP7, 2014-2018, (related topics: dexterous manipulation, robust reactive grasping policies).
COMPLACS, EU FP7, 2011-2015, (related topics: reinforcement learning).
“HANDLE: Developmental pathway towards autonomy and dexterity in robot in-hand manipulation”. EU FP7, 2009-2013, (related topics: design and manufacture of a dexterous, back-drivable hand).
“IHS10: manufacture of the IHS10 glove”, Project I06-510-R funded by French government.
ABILIS robot hand project. French gov.
“Assist: Assistive robot for quadriplegic subject”. French gov., 2008-2012
LaserSnake II – the deployment of an industrial robot into a hazardous nuclear environment to size reduce redundant nuclear equipment of unknown geometries using laser cutting.
Autonomous & Intelligent Systems Partnership (AISP) – the development of low TRL autonomous technologies. This project is funded by EPSRC and includes industrial contribution from the key companies of each major engineering sector. NNL is an industrial partner with Sellafield Ltd. and together represent the nuclear sector.
Growing Autonomous Mission Management Applications (GAMMA) – a project to develop mid to high TRL applications for autonomous unmanned air vehicles. The project is led by BAE Systems and the North West Aerospace Alliance. NNL is an industrial partner, applying the technology to the unmanned air inspection of nuclear facilities.
Deployment of an industrial robot to swab and clean highly active waste containers. Use of an industrial robot to size reduces redundant nuclear equipment of unknown geometries.